Final Laundromat Animation

Animation and Set design by Saskya Olsen
Character Textures by Jasmine Masters

The third and final animated scenario in this collaborative group project is set in a laundromat. Our two characters, Moom Junior and Moom senior, encounter each other once again. This scenario uses Junior's persistent allusiveness for comedic effect as he becomes infatuated with his Walkman, not noticing Moom Senior's presence. Moom Senior is (literally) swept up in Junior's poor lack of judgement. 
Within the collaborative group, Jasmine was able to produce fully textured characters for our 
animation, including assets such as headphones, glasses, Walkman cassette, shirt collars and sleeves. The animation comes to life with these additions. 
This will be the third and final scenario in the collaborative group skit. Moom Senior's shock and bewilderment in the final shot will mark the end of his unusual relationship with Moom Junior. 


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