Final Diner Animation
During the final couple of days of this project, I started having a lot of technical difficulties as the scene started to come together. Maya seemed to be struggling to process all the information, with it unfortunately crashing several times and losing progress I had made on improving the animations. I also struggled to get a clean Playblast out of Maya despite the animation being smooth and double checking everything.
The more I tried to fixed the issues, other problems developed such as my layers not working, glitching in small areas like the nose/ears of both Mooms and problems with the parent contraints on the tray. I decided to finish up and move onto post-production editing with the best that I had. Working from home for this project has definitely had its struggles and in hind sight, I might have made things easier for myself if I had animated in small chunks with several files and then tried to composite it together during the editing stage.
Below is the Final Diner scene with the sound and overlay fuzz applied in Premiere Pro.
At some point during production of the animation, the Hotel scene had grown in length, presumably from Jasmine and Kim splitting up the scenes between them. So when it came to putting together the whole thing, we were running over the 2 minutes considerably.
Since the Diner scene was jumpy in places and I felt it would not be equal in quality to the other scenes, I made the decision to cut off the end in a way that the story still made sense, it looked better without the poor quality animation and we were able to meet the 2 minute mark. The Intro and Outro also added on extra time but we decided as a team that this would be fair.
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