Pre-Visualisation: Bell Hop - Final Hotel Set

   Using the concept art and the Pre-Viz base, the hotel set is now all completed and ready for animation. The modelling was kept simple but recognizable. Once done, all the assets was imported into the final set and then the textures created. Placing the assets in the scene first and then doing the textures meant that all the UV's are in the correct place, rather then trying to move everything around and reconnecting. 

  As we are not using the Arnold Render for this project, the decision came to only use Blinn and Lambert materials. These will work be best for Maya Viewport playblasting, bump maps have been used on the floor to give the scene that bit more depth.

  In terms of Lighting, currently there is an ambient, a few point lights and a large area light. But these may need a touch more tweaking before driving into the animation. The light sources also have a small amount of yellow/orange to give that warm marble glow, a more pink hue has been placed in the ceiling. Using the Depth Map shadows option will give the best silhouettes in the Maya Viewport,  increasing the size to 4096 and placing a filter of 5 will reduce the sharpness. 

  The ferns was created by using the paint effects tool. Before being able to use it, the pots had to be made printable and the brush size adjust so not to overpower the scene.

 There is a lot of textures in this final set, making it quite resource intensive. The best way forwards is to turn off everything (lights, textures Ambient Occlusion, etc) whilst working and then bring it all back for the playblasting. This will stop production slow down and reduce the chances of the system crashing.

   The Trolley has now has a rig which allows rotation and translation simultaneously, this was done using a Nurb Circle and the Node Editor. Creating this will make the spinning scenes much easier to animate, rather then keep coming an pasting keys. 

Hotel Set without Textures

Textured/ Lights Via Camera 01 

Textured and Lights - Perceptive View


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