Branding, Studio Name and logo



Khameleon 88 productions is the work of four individuals chosen to collaborate on a project that requires us to produce an animated comedic short; Jessica CrosbyKimberley DavisJasmine Masters and Saskya Olsen. This project requires us to identify our individual strengths and align these with real studio roles e.g concept artist, sound designer, modeller. It's also an opportunity to foster work place professionalism and develop communication skills, all whilst discovering how to work as an effective team to complete this project successfully. 

Developing a Studio Name:

From the early stages of this collaborative project, our group wanted a mixture of values to define our studio; imaginative and mythical yet fun and mischievous. A versatile discussion was born from a creatively diverse range of group members, resulting in refreshing ideas and unique concepts. Contrasting studio values created an assortment of studio name suggestions, mostly involving animals (representing fun and mischief), and space (representing imagination and myth). A professional approach to this divide in values was to infuse them, resulting in studio name ideas such as;

Rocket Frog Animations - Jasmine Masters

Atomik Mata Studios Kimberley Davis

Chamaeleon Studios Jessica Crosby

Studio 88 Saskya Olsen

Further collaborations and group discussions whittled through each name proposal and underlined reoccurring ideas (lizards and constellations). The result being; 

Khamaeleon 88 Productions

  • Khamaeleon: an alteration of chamaeleon, the constellation spelling of the lizard Chameleon - Jessica CrosbyKhamaeleon also has links to the existing animation industry, being the name given to a character in the popular game Mortal Kombat - Jasmine Masters

  • 88representing the total number of constellations in the night sky - Saskya Olsen.

Creating the Logo:

Logically, our group understood that studio visuals required links to the studio name in order to create a dynamic and fluid studio appearance. Jasmine and Jess initiated the logo design process by producing photo-realistic chameleon imagery and abstract colouring. This was then developed into vector stylizations by Kim and Saskya. 

Designs by Jasmine Masters

Designs by Jessica Crosby

Designs by Kimberley Davis

Designs by Saskya Olsen

When deciding on a final logo for our studio, we approached the decision process by vote; each team member brought forward their strongest designs which were discussed upon, one was chosen as the outcome. To ensure each team member was happy at this stage, the chosen logo was altered further by the rest of the team, maximizing collaboration by including each group member through each stage of the design process. The example below demonstrates the finalized studio logo and watermark variations.

Branding On Blogger:

Our group's initial blog design concepts reflect the finalized studio name and logo by sharing colours and textures in the examples below. A water marble pattern is the prominent accent and frames the studio logo in each of the four iterations. 

Designs by Jasmine Masters

To prevent the blog design becoming a distraction from published work, the group decided to reduce stylization whilst keeping the initial aesthetics shown in the first blog page designs. This resulted in a sleeker blog design and gives the studio logo GIF more prominence at the top of the front page. The blog is still a work in progress, and will most likely adapt to work we begin to produce. 

In the near future, our team aims to develop a slogan that aligns with out studio branding, such as;

Change Your Scales - Kimberley Davis/ Jasmine Masters.

Illuminate Your Scales - Kimberley Davis

We also hope to solidify some studio values by choosing a handful of words that define our beliefs as an animation brand. 


Khameleom 88 Productions is brimming with strength and potential for the work it will produce. This is a result of the capable and motivated team behind it. Our studio branding is dexterous, allowing us to create a project outcome without any limitations from design factors. Creating peace-of-mind as we progress into pre-production for our upcoming animation and any further studio developments. The studio logo and name also reflect these flexibility factors; we're not tethered down by overpowering stylization. 


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